Monday, September 28, 2015
I wanted to update you on why I have not posted anything in a few months, I moved in the last week of June and in August I started on online course. When I have time I will post more. I have loved writing this blog. So please be patient with me thanks.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Bayside's Centenarian Women
There are at least two women buried in Bayside who lived to be 100 and over. Their names are Tirzah Willson and Caroline Bannister. In the post I will tell you about them. I will start with Mrs. Willson.
Here is her Obituary from the Dec 16 1921 issue of the Potsdam Herald Recorder:
Here is her Obituary from the Dec 16 1921 issue of the Potsdam Herald Recorder:
Mrs. Leander Willson Dies in 103rd Year of Her Age
Has Long Been the Cynosure of Many Who Did Not Know Her Personally Because of Her Advanced Age and Wonderful Vitality.
In the death of Mrs. Tirzah M. Willson, on Monday, December 12, 1921, Potsdam loses its oldest citizen and one who for some years has been a source of much attention, due not only to her own natural attractions but, to many who did not know her personally. to her extreme age.
Up almost to to the very last Mrs. Willson kept her faculties and she was keenly alert to all the interests of the day, local and national.
Only recently have her wonderful sources of vitality been seen to be (fading or failing).
Funeral services were held at the Universalist church Wednesday afternoon, and Rev. Morrell of the faculty of St. Lawrence Theological School, spoke eloquently of the work finished yet just begaun by Mrs. Willson. The burial was in Bayside cemetery. Mrs. Willson is survived by one daughter Mrs. Ellen Whittemore of this place.
Mrs. Willson's maiden name was Tirzah Maria Harvey and she was born October 28, 1818, the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Sykes Harvey, in a log cabin in a clearing near what is now the village of Crary Mills. Her early life was spent there and following her marriage to Leander Willson, when she was 23 years old, she moved to the farm on the South Canton road now occupied by G. H. Sackett. Mr. and Mrs. Willson moved to Potsdam in 1855 and built the brick residence now owned by G.W.F. Smith. Mr. Willson extended Leroy street north to the May road. Since that time she has resided in Potsdam. Mrs. Willson is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ellen Whittemore, 75 years of age, who has cared for her for many years. Mrs. Whittemore is the only surviving member of a fmaily of five. However she is survived by several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and by great-great grandchildren.
Mrs. Willson's paents came from Vermont, following the old turnpike from Lake Champlain to Pierrepont. Striking north from the hills of Pierrepont and the Paradise Valley of Irving Bacheller's "Eben Holden," they, with one or two other families, came to the brook which passes through Crary Mills and near this point cut from the forest and trees and hewed the logs to form their homes.
Ten years before, Benjamin Raymond and his settlers had founded Potsdam for the Clarkson family but there was no bridge across the Racket then and no road south from the settlement of Potsdam to Crary Mills. The nearest mill was at Ogdensburg. Mrs. Willson's father went there to have his grist ground. She remembers well one winter's night when it was two in the morning before he returned from the St. Lawrence river. Her mother and small brothers had spent some trying hours, for wolves had gathered about the cabin and had grown bold enough to thrust their steaming muzzles against the frosted panes of the windows. Mrs. Harvey had kept a roaring fire in the chimney fireplace and had plenty of hot water ready should the animals attempt an entrance, which fortunately they did not. Mrs. Willson well remembered the occurrence and could give a graphic account of it.
She recalled the blazing of a trail from Crary Mills to Potsdam and remembered how one night a horseman became lost in the forest and her father and one or two neighbors, roused by his shouts and the shots from his gun, turned out and brought him safely to the clearing.
Mrs. Willson als was wont to describe an Indian village in the vicinity of Crary Mills on the brook above their home. She visited it with her parents as a little girl and watched the Indians hulling the corn and cooking over their stove oven. They were members of the St. Regis tribe and their gaudy blankets and the head dresses of their braves made quie an impression on her.
When Mrs. Willson moved to Potsdam the large sandstone residence, built by David Clarkson, was about the only house in Leroy street. Its gates were near where the Baptist church now stands. The property was commonly known as the Mansion House. The east side of the street was a pasture and a rail fence served to mark its boundaries. This, however, did not serve to keep the cattle in and it was common practice to pasture them in the roadway.
In the course of the past few years, and particularly since her 100th birthday in 1918, Mrs. Willson's yearly anniversary has been more or less an event with the townspeople, and she has been the recipent of a large number of gifts and many have called in the course of her birthday each year to pay their respects.
Her husband died Feb 2 1864
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(Top: Tirzah Willson's Gravestone, Bottom: Willson family headstone in Sec E Lot 164)
Here is Mrs. Bannister's Obituary from the Feb 18 1950 issue of the Ogdensburg Journal
County's Oldest Resident Dead At 103; Rites Set
Potsdam-Funeral services for Mrs. Caroline Bannister, 103, St. Lawrence Country's oldest resident, will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Clark and Foote Funeral Home, 59 Elm.
Mrs. Bannister died yesterday at her home on the Potsdam- Colton Road, about two miles from Potsdam, where she had lived with her son Jesse, and his family for many years. Her health had been fair until recently.
The Rev. Orion Hess will officiate at the funeral services. Burial will be in the Garfield Cemetery.
Mrs. Bannister, who was a great-great grandmother, was a native of Potsdam, born Nov 10, 1846, a daughter of Galoushia and Eunice Shurtlef Foster. Her parents died when she was a small child and she was brought up by an aunt in Elmira. On Dec 31, 1865, she was married to Ira Bannister of this village. Both were 19 at the time of their marriage.
For many years the couple lived on farms in St. Lawrence county. Later they moved to the present Bannister home where she had remained since. Mr. Bannister died in 1916 and her son and his family have lived at the home and carried on the farm since that time.
During her earlier years, Mrs. Bannister had been a regular attendant at the Baptist Church until her extreme age made it difficult for her to attend. When she celebrated her 100th birthday, the occasion was noted with a family gathering when she received an orchid from the Breakfast Club in California. Until recently Mrs. Bannister had been up and dressed each day.
Surviving are three children, Mrs. W.H. Bishop of Carthage, Ira Bannister, Amsterdam, and Jesse Bannister who cared for her at home, also grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
(Bannister Family Stone in Sec C Lot 48)
Bayside Cemetery, Potsdam, NY 13676, USA
Friday, March 27, 2015
Louise Clark's Letter to her sister Orrenda about their mother's death
I want to thank Beth Thurston for letting me post this letter. This letter was sent by Louise Clark to her sister Orrenda about their mother's death.
Mother was taken bad with the bowel complaint last week
before she died and she was just as she would be always but did not recover for
it. She had her senses as long as she could speak. She could not say much the
last time. The last I understood her to say was Sunday morning when her bed was
fixed up she said “bed so soft.”
Mrs. D. stayed with her Sat. night. I took care of her the
last night and all the rest except the night Mrs. D. did. She died Monday
morning at ten o’clock. She did not remember after Sunday night but sleeped
till she stopped breathing shorter and shorter till she stopped entirely.
I heard her make a beautiful prayer on her bed asking the
Lord to take her home and He answered it. I would see her feeling her pulse not
three days ago befor she died.
Elder Lanb (Elder Lamb) and Mr. G. (Gorrie) our preacher
called on her ten days before she died and she enjoyed their visit just as well
as ever. They came separately. They said she seemed so bright and clear.
I wish you could have seen how nicely she looked in the
casket and also the grave. Horace had the grave lined with nice black assorted
cloth and the outside of the box was covered with black cloth. She had on her
nice black dress reaching around the neck and sleeves some similar in the
casket. A white rose the neck and in her hand a nice cup Hattie sent her. All
said she never looked so natural. To know her face did not get poor.
The day of the funeral was nice and pleasant. The neighbores
were nearly all here Mrs. Kisson came, Mrs. Kimball came in and said “I am all
there is to represent the Kimball family.” Earl and Sib, Ashly and Mary Clark
came, Nathan and Betsey, Stone Clark and (unreadable.)
Mr. Corbin did all Horace could not do in taking charge.
Nathan Highland Clark Charles Allen and Carletar Ellis
were the bearers. Mr. Prile took his text from Job 5-26. His remarks were very
appropriate. He told the neighbors they had been highly blessed to have her
life and example with them so long.
Bayside Cemetery, Potsdam, NY 13676, USA
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Ellis Benson Family
The family with the most generations buried in Bayside was one of the
earliest families in Potsdam. The family is the Benson family.
The patriarch of the Benson Family in Potsdam was Seth Benson. In the History of St. Lawrence County published 1878 it has the following about Seth Benson:
Benson was born in Benson Vt., May 7, 1798; married Sally King,
daughter of Eli King, of Benson, March 31, 1819; came to Potsdam in
1820, and located on what is now a portion of the farm of his son Ellis.
There have been born to Mr. Benson ten children, seven of whom are now
living, -four sons and three daughters. In 1857, Mr. Benson sold his
farm to his son Ellis, and moved to the village of Potsdam, where he
has since resided. He has a very pleasant residence."
Sally died 1844 and Seth married Eliza who was born 1797. Seth died Aug 11, 1881 and Eliza died Dec 13, 1885.![]() |
Benson Family Headstone |
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Seth Benson's Grave |
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Sally Benson's Grave |
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Eliza Benson's Grave |
I have found the names of eight of the ten children: Henry James, Ellis , Lucinda, Norman, Horace, Seth, Mary, and Sarah. This post just deals with Ellis's side of the family because that is the side which has many generations buried in Bayside. Sometime I will write a post dealing with the rest of the family.
In the History of St. Lawrence County it has the following about Ellis Benson:
"This gentleman is a son of the well-known citizen of Potsdam, Seth Benson, and was born on the farm where he now resides on the 22d day of August, 1821. He lived with his father until he was twenty-one years old, when he struck out boldly for himself into the wilds of the west. He worked as a millwright some twelve years, erecting numerous mills in the forests of the northwestern states. In 1851 he returned, and purchased the homestead of his father, where he has ever since resided. In 1854 he was married to Harriet P., daughter of Harvey Knox, now a resident of Canton, and their union has been blessed by four children, one son and three daughters.
Though for many years he followed a different occupation, Mr. Benson is par excellence a farmer. During his ownership of his place, valuable additions have been made to the buildings, cultivation has been carried on to the highest point, and the utmost neatness prevails everywhere. "Comparisons are odorous," says one of the most celebrated characters of Shakespeare, so we will not assert that Mr. Benson is the best farmer in Potsdam, but we will only repeat the voice of all his acquaintances in declaring that he is one of the very best, not only in Potsdam but in St. Lawrence County."
The four children of Ellis and Harriet were Ellis, Edmee, Hattie and Nattie. Ellis Sr. died Oct 20, 1890 in Algona Iowa. Harriet Died Jan 21 1926. Here is her obituary from the Jan 29 1926 issue of the Potsdam Herald Recorder:
"The death of Mrs. Harriet Knox Benson occurred at her home 14 1/2 Main street, Sunday afternoon, following an illness of some weeks.
Mrs. Benson was born in Russell, N.Y., January 11, 1833, and was therefore 93 years old. At the age of 13 she moved with her parents to what is known as the Harvey Knox homestead on the Pierrepont road. She attended the Canton schools and later St. Lawrence Academy in this place. She taught school a short time and in 1854 married Ellis Benson of Potsdam who lived on the farm on the Canton road now the home of her son, Ellis Benson. Shortly after their marriage Mr. Benson bought the large Pert farm adjoining and most of their life was spent there until Mr. Benson's death in 1890.
Four children were born to them, Ellis Benson, who now lives on the original home farm; Edmee, who married Samuel Loucks, and Harriet who married Frank Brand {had a son Ellis Edwin who died Jan 26 1897 and is buried in Bayside} both of whom are dead, and Nettie Benson with whom Mrs. Benson has made her home since Mr. Benson's death.
Mrs. Benson was a woman of rare charm and ability and even in her advanced age read widely and kept abreast of the times. Of happy disposition she never complained in sickness or health. She did exquisite needle work and it was only a few weeks ago we told in these columns of some of her work taking first prize in a large exhibition in Minnesota. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in this place.
Mrs. Benson is survived by a son, Ellis Benson, and a daughter, Miss Nettie Benson, both of this place; a sister, Mrs. Hammond of Canton, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
The funeral services were held at the house at 2 o'clock Wednesday and at the Presbyterian church at 2:30, Rev. W.J. Prout officiating, with interment at Bayside."
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Ellis Benson's Grave |
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Harriet Knox Benson's Grave |
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Ellis Edwin Brand grandson of Ellis and Harriet Benson's grave |
Edmee Benson married Samuel Loucks. She died Jul 7 1911.
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Edmee Benson Loucks's Grave |
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Samuel Loucks Grave |
Nettie Benson was born Jul 23, 1869 and died Oct 31 1961. Here is her obituary from the Nov 2 1961 issue of the Potsdam Courier and Freeman :
"Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 p.m. from the Seymour Funeral Home for Miss Neddie I. Benson, 92, of Colton RD. The Rev. Varre Cummins, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Bayside cemetery.
Miss Benson died Tuesday morning in the Potsdam Hospital where she had been a patient for about one week. She had been in failing health for the past several years.
Miss Benson was born in Potsdam July 23, 1869 and had always lived here. She was the daughter of Ellis and Harriet Knox Benson.
She had been a school teacher in local schools and later a practical nurse.
Miss. Benson was a member of the Vega Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. An OES prayer service was held at the funeral home Wednesday evening.
Survivors are nieces and nephews: Cecilia Arquette, Rochester, Robert Brand, Toledo, Ohio and Mrs. Stanley Howlett, Potsdam.
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Nettie Benson's Grave |
Ellis Seth Benson was born Nov 12, 1855 and died Feb 7 1942. Here is her obituary from the Feb 11 1942 issue of the Potsdam Courier and Freeman :
Ellis Seth Benson, 86, of 3 Cottage street, died Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. at the home, Rev. Howard Haines, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated. A masonic service was conducted. Bearers were Herbert Bailey, James Buttolph, Leon Blood, Herbert French, George Barnum and Leon Forbes.
Honorary bearers were O.P. Benson, C.W. Shields, Thomas Wood, George Harrington, Albert Rutherford, Erving Snell, and Myron Fifield.
Mr. Benson was born in Potsdam Nov 12, 1855, the son of Ellis and Harriet Knox Benson, both members of Northern New York families. He married Miss Martha McCormick, who died several years ago.
He was a farmer, retiring about 20 years ago, and for the past several years had made his home with his sister, Miss Nettie Benson at 3 Cottage street.
He is survived by his sister, Nettie Benson; two sons, Harvey K., of Seattle Wash., and Fred C. Benson of 127 Academy street Watertown; two grandchildren Keith Benson of Saranac Lake and Mrs. Pauline Benson Howlett of Waverly street, and four great grandchildren."
Ellis and Martha also had a daughter Edmee who died in 1900.
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Ellis S. Benson's Grave |
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Martha J. McCormick Benson's Grave |
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Edmee Benson's Grave |
Fred C. Benson was born May 28, 1883 and died Apr 16 1958 here is his obituary from the April 24, 1958 issue of the Potsdam Courier and Freeman:
Funeral services for Fred C. Benson, 74, a former businessman of Potsdam, were held 2pm Saturday at Clark and Foote funeral homes, Rev. James Pennock, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church officiating. Burial was in Bayside Cemetery.
Mr. Benson, who had lived in Rochester for the past few years, died Wednesday, April 16, in a Rochester hospital. He had been in failing health for a year and his daughter, Mrs. Stanley Howlett, Potsdam, had been with him since Easter.
Born in Potsdam May 28, 1883, Mr. Benson was the son of Ellis S. and Martha McCormick Benson. He attended local schools and married Orma Burrows of Potsdam Nov. 7, 1906. The couple always lived in this village where Mr. Benson owned and operated a meat at 33 Market St. Mrs. Benson died in October, 1949 and Mr. Benson sold his business shortly after. He was employed for a few years in the Arcade in Watertown in a meat market and later employed in Rochester.
He married Glady Arnold of Rochester in June, 1952. Mr. Benson was a past chief of the Potsdam volunteer fire department, a member of Racket River Lodge, F.&A.M., the St. Lawrence Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, the Knights Templer Commandry at Canton and the Media Shrine in Watertwon.
Surviving are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Stanley (Pauline) Howlett, Potsdam; one son, Keith Benson, Danbury, Conn.; five grandchildren, and one aunt; Miss Nettie Benson, Potsdam."
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Fred C. Benson's Grave |
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Orma Benson's Grave |
Their daughter Pauline died in 1998. Her son E. Stanley Howlett III was born Aug 21, 1932 and died June 17 2012. Here is his obituary from North Country Now:"
Mr. E. Stanley Howlett III, age 79, of Potsdam, passed away on Sunday, June 17, 2012. Arrangements are with the Garner Funeral Service in Potsdam.
Friends may call at the Garner Funeral Service on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 from 4-8 p.m. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at the Trinity Episcopal Church on Fall Island, Potsdam at 2 p.m. with Dr. Rev. Christopher Brown celebrant. Burial will follow the service at the Bayside Cemetery. Contributions in Stanley's memory can be made to the Canton-Potsdam Hospital or to the Trinity Episcopal Church. Online condolences can be sent @
Mr Howlett is survived by a son, William S. (Stacey) Howlett of Norwood; daughters, Barbara A. (James Gass) Howlett of Liverpool, and Nancy J. (James) Bonner of Potsdam; a grandson, Douglas J. Sharlow Jr. of Albany; a granddaughter, Erin E. Howlett of Potsdam; and his sisters, Dorothy (John) Propser, Martha (Bill) Phillips and Patricia (Charles) Michels.
He was predeceased by his wife, Ann Howlett who passed on February 11, 2012; and his grandson, William S. Howlett Jr. in 2008.
Mr. E. Stanley Howlett III was born August 21, 1932 in Potsdam, to the late E. Stanley Howlett Jr. and Pauline Benson. He was a 1950 graduate of Potsdam Central School. He then went on to Albany State College where he received both his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees. On July 9, 1955 in Pelham, he was married to Ann Caparis. They both started their careers as English teachers. Stanley's career began as an English teacher in the Albany area. He returned to the North Country in 1958 to work for St. Lawrence-Lewis Countries BOCES as a guidance counselor shared between Canton, Hammond and Morristown.
Three years later, Canton Central School District hired him as junior-senior high school guidance counselor. During the next 20 years, he served as a Director of Guidance, Director of Pupil Services, Coordinator of Sponsored Programs, Director of Instruction, and Assistant Superintendent of Schools before being appointed Superintendent of Schools in 1981. He remained there until his retirement in 1988. His 30 years of educational leadership which always focused on "What's best for the kids" is still reflected in the many and varied programs still available at Canton Central School.
Stanley was perhaps best known for his decades of volunteer work on several key boards. He was chair of the board at Canton-Potsdam Hospital for 18 years and a member for over 20 years. He was chair of the Potsdam Village Zoning Board of Appeals. He also was on the Village Comprehensive Plan Committee. He was a longtime volunteer and held several posts at Trinity Episcopal Church. He was also a member of the Potsdam Volunteer Rescue Squad and the Canton Rotary Club. Among Stan's many interests were his love of all genres of music, his passion for the English language, both written and spoken and the love of his family and friends."
Here is the obituary for his grandson William S. Howlett Jr. :
Mr. William S. Howlett Jr. , age 20 of Norwood, NY passed away on Sunday, April 20, 2008 in Syracuse, NY. Mr.
Howlett was a college student in his Junior year enrolled at LeMoyne
College in Syracuse, NY. Calling hours for Mr. Howlett will be on
Friday, April 25, 2008 from 4-7pm at the Garner Funeral Home in Potsdam,
NY. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 11am
at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Potsdam, NY with Rev. Christopher
Brown celebrant. Burial will take place at a later date. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to the Joslin Diabetes Center @ 1 Joslin Place Boston, MA 02215.
Mr. Howlett is survived by his parents William S. Howlett Sr. and Stacey Howlett of Norwood, NY; his sister Erin Howlett of Norwood, NY who is currently a senior at Syracuse University; a very close cousin Douglas Sharlow Jr. of Albany, NY; paternal grandparents E. Stanley Howlett III and Ann Howlett of Potsdam, NY and several other cousins. He is predeceased by his maternal grandparents John and Cyrilla Feeley.
William was born on September 11, 1987 in Fort Bragg, NC to William S. Howlett Sr. and Stacey Feeley. He attended Potsdam Schools graduating from High School in 2005. He then went on to LeMoyne College where he was currently a business leadership and management major. He enjoyed playing basketball and baseball while in High School. Condolences can be sent online
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E. Stanley Jr and Pauline Benson Howlett's Grave |
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E. Stanley III and Ann Caparis Howlett's Grave |
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William S. Howlett Jr's Grave |
Bayside Cemetery, Potsdam, NY 13676, USA
Friday, January 2, 2015
1915 Deaths
Here is my annual list of people who died 100 years ago this year. Sorry it has been a long time since I posted an article I have been busy with a lot of other things, I am hoping to post more this year.
1. Orrin J Senter- April 24, 1915
2. Margaret Jenner died May 14 1915 at the age of 55
Mrs. Margaret Peaver Jenner, wife of Fred Jenner, died at her home in Depot street Friday. She had been ill several years.
The funeral was held Monday at 1, Rev. F.S. Griffiths officiating, and interment was at Bayside.
Mrs. Jenner was born in the vicinity of Colton 55 years ago, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peaver. She was married in Parishville about 35 years ago. She has resided here the greater portion of the time since, with the exception of about a year spent in Michigan.
She is survived by her husband, two sisters, Mrs. Asa Seaver of Mexico, N.Y., and Mrs. Samuel Underwood of Fulton, and four brothers, James Peaver of Syracuse, Charles of Fulton, William of Michigan and Sherman of Vermont.
3. Leona Files died May 11 1915 at the age of 5 mos, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Noel
4. Grace Wood died May 18, 1915 at the age of 39
Mrs. Grace R. Wood, wife of Mrs. William B. Wood of Adams, died in Watertown Tuesday of last week, aged 39 years.
Mrs. Wood was a daughter of Augustus Ritchie of this village. She is survived by her father, her husband, and five brothers, Louis of Manchester, N.H., Charles of Rochester, William of New York, and Fred and John of Potsdam. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Fred Bascom of Tupper Lake.
Mrs. Wood had been ill for two years. The funeral was held at 10 a.m., Saturday, Rev. Thomas P. Gales, rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Adams officiating. The body was brought here Saturday afternoon and interment was made in Bayside, Rev. W.J. Hamilton officiating.
5. George S. Fell died May 19 1915 at the age of 61
George S. Fell, one of Potsdam's oldest business men died at his home on Main street Wednesday evening about nine o'clock after a long illness. The immediate cause of his death was heart trouble.
Mr. Fell was born in Canton 62 years ago, on the 7th day of July (grave says Jul 10). Thirty seven years ago last January he married Miss. Emma Ransom and she with two sons, Glenn C. and Percy R., survive him.
Mr. Fell has been in the meat business at the market on Market St. for over 50 years, with his father until the latters death and since then alone and with his sons. Of an affable nature Mr. Fell made hosts of friends who will regret his death.
As a neighbor we always found Mr. Fell obliging, courteous and hospitable and no man was ever kinder or more devoted to his family.
Funeral services will be held at the Universalist Church, Saturday at 2 o'clock, Rev. D.L. Fisher officiating.
6. Susan Hawley died May 22, 1915 at the age of 91
Mrs. Susan B. Hawley, widow of the late Thomas L. Hawley, died at her home on Garden street, Friday night. Mrs. Hawley was 91 years of age, and was probably the oldest life-long resident of this village. She was born here May 7, 1824, and her entire life had been spent in Potsdam.
Mrs. Hawley was the daughter of Loren and Olive Hawes Barnum, natives of Vermont. She was married Thomas Hawley in this village in 1845. Mr. Hawley's death occurred in 1890. She is survived by a brother, Herbert L. Barnum of this place, a son Frank B. Hawley, and by two daughters, Mrs. George Wilmarth of this village, and Mrs. B.E. Squires of Sanford, Florida
The funeral was held from her late home Friday morning at eleven, Rev. F.B. Cowan officiating, and interment was in Bayside.
7. Laura Tappan died May 21, 1915 at the age of 74
8. Louise Squires died May 29, 1915 at the age of 69
9. Rev. Charles C. Townsend died Jun 20, 1915 at the age of 63, will write about him either here or in an article for the St. Lawrence County Historical Association Quarterly.
10. Noel Files died Jun 24,1915 at the age of 28
The Funeral of Noel Files, aged 28, whose death occurred on Thursday at his farm near this village, was geld Saturday, Rev. F.S. Griffiths of the Methodist church, officiating. Mr. Files had been in poor health for some time being a sufferer with chronic tuberculosis. He was born in Hopkinton. He is survived by his widow and four children.
11. Emma Fell died Jun 24, 1915 at the age of 59
Mrs. Emma R. Fell, widow of the late George S. Fell, died at her home in Main street about 8:30 last Thursday evening. Mrs. Fell had not been in good health for some time and a sudden relapse last week left her in a critical condition. Her death follows closely upon that of her husband which occurred last month.
Mrs. Fell was a daughter of the late Ira Ransom of this village and had lived in Potsdam her entire life. She was born in this village. She was married to Mr. Fell 39 years ago. Three children were born to them of whom two are now living. They are Percy and Glenn, both of this place. Mrs. Fell is also survived by a sister, Mrs. George Drake, who lives in the West.
Funeral service were held from her late home Monday afternoon at 2, Rev. D.L. Fisher officiating. Interment was at Bayside.
12. Mary Flint died Jul 8, 1915 at the age of 41
13. Abbie Senter died Jul 16, 1915 at the age of 53
The death of Mrs. Abbie B. Senter, widow of the late Orrin J. Senter, occurred at her home on Market street, Friday evening, July 16. Mrs. Senter underwent an operation last October and had been in failing health ever since. After the death of her husband, April 24, 1915, she suffered a general break-down.
Mrs. Senter, although she suffered much during her long illness was patient through it all and no word of complaint passed her lips. She was a member of the Methodist Church and the pastor, Rev. F.R. Griffiths, conducted the funeral services held at the house Monday afternoon with interment in Bayside.
Mrs. Senter was born in this village 53 years ago, the daughter of Benjamin and Harriet Burton, and had lived here her entire life. She married Mr. Senter here in 1878. She is survived by two sons, Floyd B. of this village, Harry of Stockholm, and by two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Bannister and Miss Ruby Senter also of Potsdam.
14. Nettie Amo died Jul 21, 1915 at the age of 34
15. Merrill Hosmer died Jul 23, 1915 at the age of 74, to read about him go to my post about the U.S.S Susquehanna
16. Alonzo Chittenden died Jul 13, 1915 at the age of 68
Alonzo J. Chittenden died at his home on the Hannawa road Friday, August 13 of apoplexy. Mr. Chittenden had been in poor health for some months being a sufferer with heart trouble. He was born in the town of Stockholm 68 years ago, the son of Carlos and Emily Phelps Chittenden, but had been a resident of Potsdam the greater part of his life.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters and one son. The funeral was held from his late home Monday at 2, and internment was in Bayside. Rev. F.S. Griffiths officiated.
17. Henry Watkins died Aug 17, 1915 at the age of 54
18. Emma (Eva) Burnham died Jul 23, 1915 at the age of 37
Mrs. Eva Homer Burnham, wife of John Burnham of this village, died at her home in Division street Monday afternoon. Mrs. Burnham had been ill about two years. She was a native of Gouverneur, having been born there thirty-six years ago. She was married to Mr. Burnham thirteen years ago.
She is survived by her father, four brothers, her husband and four children. Funeral services will be held from her late home this afternoon and internment will be in Bayside. Rev. F.S. Griffith will officiate.
19. Carl Westcott died Jul 25, 1915 at the age of 2 days
20. Infant Stone died Sept 17, 1915 at the age of 1 day
21. Sarah Howe died Sept 20, 1915 at the age of 76
22. Sarah Maxfield died Sept 17, 1915 at the age of 75
23. Robert Lovell died Sept 27, 1915 at the age of 76
24. Clarissa Shaw died Oct 2, 1915 at the age of 87
25. Frank Mathews died Oct 19, 1915 at the age of 62
Frank P. Mathews, one of the best known business men of this village and a lifelong resident of Potsdam, died at his home in Elm street abot 3:30 yesterday morning. Mr. Mathews' death followed a long period of failing health, during which, however, he had been able to be about, and his passing yesterday came as a shock to the community. Mr. Mathews had been confined to his bed almost a week. Diabetes was the cause of his death. Definite arrangements for his funeral have not been made but it will probably be held on Friday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. F.B. Cowan will officiate and burial will be at Bayside.
Frank Percy Mathews was born in this village January 6, 1853, the son of the late William E. and Helen Fisher Mathews. He received his education in the local schools and as a young man want to Utica where he studied the hardware business. He returned to Potsdam and opened a hardware store in company with H.L. Ives on the site now occupied by Maxfield and Needham in Main Street. He continued in this business until 1887 when he took over the oil business of the late George W. Bonney and became manager of the local branch of the Standard Oil Company. He was local representative for this corporation until 1907 when he went into the automobile business in which he was engaged at the time of his death.
Mr. Mathews was one of the pioneer automobile men of this section. He was one of the first owners of an automobile in this village. When he embarked in the business he secured the agency for the Ford car, and undoubtedly has done more than any other man to bring the Ford into the North Country. Mr. Mathews was indefatigable as a salesman, and his records stood at the first rank of the Ford Motor Company for territory of this kind. Mr. Mathews was a frequent visitor at the Ford factory in the early days of the industry and became personally acquainted with Henry Ford.
Mr. Mathews was the first president of the Potsdam Club and took an active interest in its welfare. He was a director of the Peoples Bank. He was a Knight Templar and a member of St. Lawrence Commandery K.T. of Canton.
Mr. Mathews married in this village August 23, 1881, Helen E. Bonney, who survives him. He is also survived by a half brother, Elmer E. Mathews of Syracuse, two daughters Helen of this place and Mrs. H.C. Fellman of Boston, and by two sons, George B. of Potsdam, and William of the Ford Motor Co., Detroit.
26. Martha Clark died Oct 4, 1915 at the age of 79
27. Elijah Maxfield died Nov 21 or 24 1915 at the age of 68
28. Willam Seaver died Nov 21, 1915 at the age of 72
The body of William W. Seaver, a native of Parishville and a resident of this village for some years, was brought here yesterday noon. Mr. Seaver's death occurred in a hostipal at Haverhill Sunday night. He had been ill about ten days with Pneumonia.
Mr. Seaver was twice married. He is survived by two brothers, of Pierrepont, and by several nephews and nieces. The funeral will be held from the home of F.A. Seaver in Chestnut street at 2 this afternoon. Rev. D.L. Fisher will officiate and interment will be in Bayside.
He was part of Co. D of the 13th NY Cav during the Civil War.
29. Charles Henderson died Nov 29, 1915 at the age of 92
The body of Charles Henderson was brought here from Vermont Thursday and funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. F.B. Cowan officiating.
Mr. Henderson had been a resident of this place practically all his life until the last few years. He was a carpenter by trade and was noted for his keen sense of humor. He was 93 years old. Interment was in Bayside.
30. Anna Dowsey died Dec 10, 1915 at the age of 67
Mrs. Anna Hess Dowsey, widow of the late Joseph Dowsey and formerly of this village, died at the home of her son in Manhassett, L.I. Saturday. She had been seriously ill for a week but in poor health for some time.
Mrs. Dowsey was born in Galveston, Texas, in 1848. In 1863 she married Joseph Dowsey, coming to Potsdam about 37 years ago and living here until about 10 years ago.
She is survived by four sons, Dr. G.H. Dowsey of Great Neck, L.I., Joseph A., of Philadelphia, Pa., and James L. and Fred A. of Manhasset, and by six daughters, the Misses Agnes, Claire and Grace Dowsey, Mrs. F.K. Ward, Mrs. D.L. Wilkins and Mrs. M. Newbold, all of Manhassett. Funeral services were held in the Reformed Church there Sunday afternoon at 4 and the body brought here Monday morning. Interment was in Bayside, a prayer service being conducted by Rev. F.B. Cowan.
31. Josephine Pert died Dec 11, 1915 at the age of 21
The death of Miss. Josephine Pert, only daughter of the late William L. and Mrs. Grace Brush Pert, occurred at her home, Elm street, Saturday morning after a long illness.
Miss Pert was born in Potsdam twenty-one years ago and received her education at the Normal, graduating from the Normal High School in 1913. She entered Smith College and was succeeding admirably in her work there when her health failed last spring and she was obliged to return home.
During her long illness she has exhibited all those traits of brightness and sweetness and patience which made her beloved by all who knew her.
Always cheerful, bright, vivacious, she entered into work or play with her whole heart and was a favorite and leader among her associates.
Everything possible was done for her recovery but without avail.
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a teacher in the Sunday School.
Her former pastor, Rev. W. Courtland Robinson was present at the funeral and assisted Rev. F.B. Cowan in the services which were held on Tuesday, with burial in Bayside cemetery.
The multitude of flowers attested the high esteem in which Miss Pert was held.
32. James Havington died Dec 12, 1915 at the age of 71
Was in Co E of the 11th NY Cav in the Civil War
James Havington, a well known farmer of this town for many years, died at the Ogdensburg hospital on Sunday morning. Mr. Havington had been undergoing treatment there for seven years. He was a native of Canada but came to this country as a young man and was the owner of various farms in this vicinity.
He is survived by his widow and two sons, George and William, both of Potsdam. His body was brought here Monday noon and funeral services were held from his late home on Waverly street Wednesday afternoon. Rev. F.R. Griffiths officiated and burial was at Bayside. Mr. Havington was 71 years of age.
33. Emeline Sayles died Dec 26, 1915 at the age of 73
Emeline Butler Sayles passed away Sunday evening, Dec. 26th, at the her home on Market street, where she resided with her sister, Mrs. Eunice Cook. Her death came as a shock to her friends, as she had been ill only since Saturday, acute brights disease being the immediate cause of death.
Mrs. Sayles was 73 years of age. She is survived by her husband Stewart B. Sayles of this place and two sons, Brainard A. Sayles of Dayton, Ohio, and James S. Sayles of this place, also several grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of her son, James Sayles on Pierrepont Ave. Rev. D.L. Fisher will officiate and interment will be in Bayside by the side of her daughter Mabel, who died 18 years ago.
34. William Pitcher died Dec 10, 1915 at the age of 50
William W. Pitcher, a former resident of this village, died at Tarrytown, N.Y. on Friday, December 10th, after a brief illness of Brights disease. Services were held at his late home on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Ashmead of the Epsicopal Church officiating.
Mr. Pitcher is survived by his widow, a daughter aged 14, a son aged 11, and a sister, Mrs. Fred E. Baum of this village. Mr. Baum went to Tarrytown on Friday night and returned with the remains. On Monday they were placed in the vault at Bayside cemetery and will be buried in the family lot in the spring.
35. Herbert Healy died Dec 14, 1915 at the age of 58
36. Lorana Brown died Dec 21, 1915 at the age of 83
Mrs. Lorena Champney Brown, wife of Josiah L. Brown, died at her home in Waverly street about 8:30 yesterday morning. Mrs. Brown had been in poor health for four years following a fall which she sustained about Christmas time. She had been confined to her bed all of that period.
Mrs. Brown was the daughter of Lemuel and Sarah Champney, and was born October 24, 1832, at their home near Parishville Center. She had always been a resident of Potsdam.
She was married to Mr. Brown March 9, 1854. Mr. Brown has been a valued contributor to this paper for many years and his writings have made him known to a large number of friends both here and in distant points, who will extend their sympathy and condolences at this time.
The funeral will be held from her late home at 2 Thursday afternoon. Rev. D.L. Fisher and Rev. W.J. Hamilton will officiate. The body will be placed in the vault at Bayside for interment in the spring.
Mrs. Brown is survived by her husband, one daughter, Miss Hattie Brown of this village, and by one brother, Dorus Champney of Parishville Center.
1. Orrin J Senter- April 24, 1915
2. Margaret Jenner died May 14 1915 at the age of 55
Mrs. Margaret Peaver Jenner, wife of Fred Jenner, died at her home in Depot street Friday. She had been ill several years.
The funeral was held Monday at 1, Rev. F.S. Griffiths officiating, and interment was at Bayside.
Mrs. Jenner was born in the vicinity of Colton 55 years ago, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peaver. She was married in Parishville about 35 years ago. She has resided here the greater portion of the time since, with the exception of about a year spent in Michigan.
She is survived by her husband, two sisters, Mrs. Asa Seaver of Mexico, N.Y., and Mrs. Samuel Underwood of Fulton, and four brothers, James Peaver of Syracuse, Charles of Fulton, William of Michigan and Sherman of Vermont.
3. Leona Files died May 11 1915 at the age of 5 mos, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Noel
4. Grace Wood died May 18, 1915 at the age of 39
Mrs. Grace R. Wood, wife of Mrs. William B. Wood of Adams, died in Watertown Tuesday of last week, aged 39 years.
Mrs. Wood was a daughter of Augustus Ritchie of this village. She is survived by her father, her husband, and five brothers, Louis of Manchester, N.H., Charles of Rochester, William of New York, and Fred and John of Potsdam. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Fred Bascom of Tupper Lake.
Mrs. Wood had been ill for two years. The funeral was held at 10 a.m., Saturday, Rev. Thomas P. Gales, rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Adams officiating. The body was brought here Saturday afternoon and interment was made in Bayside, Rev. W.J. Hamilton officiating.
5. George S. Fell died May 19 1915 at the age of 61
George S. Fell, one of Potsdam's oldest business men died at his home on Main street Wednesday evening about nine o'clock after a long illness. The immediate cause of his death was heart trouble.
Mr. Fell was born in Canton 62 years ago, on the 7th day of July (grave says Jul 10). Thirty seven years ago last January he married Miss. Emma Ransom and she with two sons, Glenn C. and Percy R., survive him.
Mr. Fell has been in the meat business at the market on Market St. for over 50 years, with his father until the latters death and since then alone and with his sons. Of an affable nature Mr. Fell made hosts of friends who will regret his death.
As a neighbor we always found Mr. Fell obliging, courteous and hospitable and no man was ever kinder or more devoted to his family.
Funeral services will be held at the Universalist Church, Saturday at 2 o'clock, Rev. D.L. Fisher officiating.
6. Susan Hawley died May 22, 1915 at the age of 91
Mrs. Susan B. Hawley, widow of the late Thomas L. Hawley, died at her home on Garden street, Friday night. Mrs. Hawley was 91 years of age, and was probably the oldest life-long resident of this village. She was born here May 7, 1824, and her entire life had been spent in Potsdam.
Mrs. Hawley was the daughter of Loren and Olive Hawes Barnum, natives of Vermont. She was married Thomas Hawley in this village in 1845. Mr. Hawley's death occurred in 1890. She is survived by a brother, Herbert L. Barnum of this place, a son Frank B. Hawley, and by two daughters, Mrs. George Wilmarth of this village, and Mrs. B.E. Squires of Sanford, Florida
The funeral was held from her late home Friday morning at eleven, Rev. F.B. Cowan officiating, and interment was in Bayside.
7. Laura Tappan died May 21, 1915 at the age of 74
8. Louise Squires died May 29, 1915 at the age of 69
9. Rev. Charles C. Townsend died Jun 20, 1915 at the age of 63, will write about him either here or in an article for the St. Lawrence County Historical Association Quarterly.
10. Noel Files died Jun 24,1915 at the age of 28
The Funeral of Noel Files, aged 28, whose death occurred on Thursday at his farm near this village, was geld Saturday, Rev. F.S. Griffiths of the Methodist church, officiating. Mr. Files had been in poor health for some time being a sufferer with chronic tuberculosis. He was born in Hopkinton. He is survived by his widow and four children.
11. Emma Fell died Jun 24, 1915 at the age of 59
Mrs. Emma R. Fell, widow of the late George S. Fell, died at her home in Main street about 8:30 last Thursday evening. Mrs. Fell had not been in good health for some time and a sudden relapse last week left her in a critical condition. Her death follows closely upon that of her husband which occurred last month.
Mrs. Fell was a daughter of the late Ira Ransom of this village and had lived in Potsdam her entire life. She was born in this village. She was married to Mr. Fell 39 years ago. Three children were born to them of whom two are now living. They are Percy and Glenn, both of this place. Mrs. Fell is also survived by a sister, Mrs. George Drake, who lives in the West.
Funeral service were held from her late home Monday afternoon at 2, Rev. D.L. Fisher officiating. Interment was at Bayside.
12. Mary Flint died Jul 8, 1915 at the age of 41
13. Abbie Senter died Jul 16, 1915 at the age of 53
The death of Mrs. Abbie B. Senter, widow of the late Orrin J. Senter, occurred at her home on Market street, Friday evening, July 16. Mrs. Senter underwent an operation last October and had been in failing health ever since. After the death of her husband, April 24, 1915, she suffered a general break-down.
Mrs. Senter, although she suffered much during her long illness was patient through it all and no word of complaint passed her lips. She was a member of the Methodist Church and the pastor, Rev. F.R. Griffiths, conducted the funeral services held at the house Monday afternoon with interment in Bayside.
Mrs. Senter was born in this village 53 years ago, the daughter of Benjamin and Harriet Burton, and had lived here her entire life. She married Mr. Senter here in 1878. She is survived by two sons, Floyd B. of this village, Harry of Stockholm, and by two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Bannister and Miss Ruby Senter also of Potsdam.
14. Nettie Amo died Jul 21, 1915 at the age of 34
15. Merrill Hosmer died Jul 23, 1915 at the age of 74, to read about him go to my post about the U.S.S Susquehanna
16. Alonzo Chittenden died Jul 13, 1915 at the age of 68
Alonzo J. Chittenden died at his home on the Hannawa road Friday, August 13 of apoplexy. Mr. Chittenden had been in poor health for some months being a sufferer with heart trouble. He was born in the town of Stockholm 68 years ago, the son of Carlos and Emily Phelps Chittenden, but had been a resident of Potsdam the greater part of his life.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters and one son. The funeral was held from his late home Monday at 2, and internment was in Bayside. Rev. F.S. Griffiths officiated.
17. Henry Watkins died Aug 17, 1915 at the age of 54
18. Emma (Eva) Burnham died Jul 23, 1915 at the age of 37
Mrs. Eva Homer Burnham, wife of John Burnham of this village, died at her home in Division street Monday afternoon. Mrs. Burnham had been ill about two years. She was a native of Gouverneur, having been born there thirty-six years ago. She was married to Mr. Burnham thirteen years ago.
She is survived by her father, four brothers, her husband and four children. Funeral services will be held from her late home this afternoon and internment will be in Bayside. Rev. F.S. Griffith will officiate.
19. Carl Westcott died Jul 25, 1915 at the age of 2 days
20. Infant Stone died Sept 17, 1915 at the age of 1 day
21. Sarah Howe died Sept 20, 1915 at the age of 76
22. Sarah Maxfield died Sept 17, 1915 at the age of 75
23. Robert Lovell died Sept 27, 1915 at the age of 76
24. Clarissa Shaw died Oct 2, 1915 at the age of 87
25. Frank Mathews died Oct 19, 1915 at the age of 62
Frank P. Mathews, one of the best known business men of this village and a lifelong resident of Potsdam, died at his home in Elm street abot 3:30 yesterday morning. Mr. Mathews' death followed a long period of failing health, during which, however, he had been able to be about, and his passing yesterday came as a shock to the community. Mr. Mathews had been confined to his bed almost a week. Diabetes was the cause of his death. Definite arrangements for his funeral have not been made but it will probably be held on Friday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. F.B. Cowan will officiate and burial will be at Bayside.
Frank Percy Mathews was born in this village January 6, 1853, the son of the late William E. and Helen Fisher Mathews. He received his education in the local schools and as a young man want to Utica where he studied the hardware business. He returned to Potsdam and opened a hardware store in company with H.L. Ives on the site now occupied by Maxfield and Needham in Main Street. He continued in this business until 1887 when he took over the oil business of the late George W. Bonney and became manager of the local branch of the Standard Oil Company. He was local representative for this corporation until 1907 when he went into the automobile business in which he was engaged at the time of his death.
Mr. Mathews was one of the pioneer automobile men of this section. He was one of the first owners of an automobile in this village. When he embarked in the business he secured the agency for the Ford car, and undoubtedly has done more than any other man to bring the Ford into the North Country. Mr. Mathews was indefatigable as a salesman, and his records stood at the first rank of the Ford Motor Company for territory of this kind. Mr. Mathews was a frequent visitor at the Ford factory in the early days of the industry and became personally acquainted with Henry Ford.
Mr. Mathews was the first president of the Potsdam Club and took an active interest in its welfare. He was a director of the Peoples Bank. He was a Knight Templar and a member of St. Lawrence Commandery K.T. of Canton.
Mr. Mathews married in this village August 23, 1881, Helen E. Bonney, who survives him. He is also survived by a half brother, Elmer E. Mathews of Syracuse, two daughters Helen of this place and Mrs. H.C. Fellman of Boston, and by two sons, George B. of Potsdam, and William of the Ford Motor Co., Detroit.
26. Martha Clark died Oct 4, 1915 at the age of 79
27. Elijah Maxfield died Nov 21 or 24 1915 at the age of 68
28. Willam Seaver died Nov 21, 1915 at the age of 72
The body of William W. Seaver, a native of Parishville and a resident of this village for some years, was brought here yesterday noon. Mr. Seaver's death occurred in a hostipal at Haverhill Sunday night. He had been ill about ten days with Pneumonia.
Mr. Seaver was twice married. He is survived by two brothers, of Pierrepont, and by several nephews and nieces. The funeral will be held from the home of F.A. Seaver in Chestnut street at 2 this afternoon. Rev. D.L. Fisher will officiate and interment will be in Bayside.
He was part of Co. D of the 13th NY Cav during the Civil War.
29. Charles Henderson died Nov 29, 1915 at the age of 92
The body of Charles Henderson was brought here from Vermont Thursday and funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. F.B. Cowan officiating.
Mr. Henderson had been a resident of this place practically all his life until the last few years. He was a carpenter by trade and was noted for his keen sense of humor. He was 93 years old. Interment was in Bayside.
30. Anna Dowsey died Dec 10, 1915 at the age of 67
Mrs. Anna Hess Dowsey, widow of the late Joseph Dowsey and formerly of this village, died at the home of her son in Manhassett, L.I. Saturday. She had been seriously ill for a week but in poor health for some time.
Mrs. Dowsey was born in Galveston, Texas, in 1848. In 1863 she married Joseph Dowsey, coming to Potsdam about 37 years ago and living here until about 10 years ago.
She is survived by four sons, Dr. G.H. Dowsey of Great Neck, L.I., Joseph A., of Philadelphia, Pa., and James L. and Fred A. of Manhasset, and by six daughters, the Misses Agnes, Claire and Grace Dowsey, Mrs. F.K. Ward, Mrs. D.L. Wilkins and Mrs. M. Newbold, all of Manhassett. Funeral services were held in the Reformed Church there Sunday afternoon at 4 and the body brought here Monday morning. Interment was in Bayside, a prayer service being conducted by Rev. F.B. Cowan.
31. Josephine Pert died Dec 11, 1915 at the age of 21
The death of Miss. Josephine Pert, only daughter of the late William L. and Mrs. Grace Brush Pert, occurred at her home, Elm street, Saturday morning after a long illness.
Miss Pert was born in Potsdam twenty-one years ago and received her education at the Normal, graduating from the Normal High School in 1913. She entered Smith College and was succeeding admirably in her work there when her health failed last spring and she was obliged to return home.
During her long illness she has exhibited all those traits of brightness and sweetness and patience which made her beloved by all who knew her.
Always cheerful, bright, vivacious, she entered into work or play with her whole heart and was a favorite and leader among her associates.
Everything possible was done for her recovery but without avail.
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a teacher in the Sunday School.
Her former pastor, Rev. W. Courtland Robinson was present at the funeral and assisted Rev. F.B. Cowan in the services which were held on Tuesday, with burial in Bayside cemetery.
The multitude of flowers attested the high esteem in which Miss Pert was held.
32. James Havington died Dec 12, 1915 at the age of 71
Was in Co E of the 11th NY Cav in the Civil War
James Havington, a well known farmer of this town for many years, died at the Ogdensburg hospital on Sunday morning. Mr. Havington had been undergoing treatment there for seven years. He was a native of Canada but came to this country as a young man and was the owner of various farms in this vicinity.
He is survived by his widow and two sons, George and William, both of Potsdam. His body was brought here Monday noon and funeral services were held from his late home on Waverly street Wednesday afternoon. Rev. F.R. Griffiths officiated and burial was at Bayside. Mr. Havington was 71 years of age.
33. Emeline Sayles died Dec 26, 1915 at the age of 73
Emeline Butler Sayles passed away Sunday evening, Dec. 26th, at the her home on Market street, where she resided with her sister, Mrs. Eunice Cook. Her death came as a shock to her friends, as she had been ill only since Saturday, acute brights disease being the immediate cause of death.
Mrs. Sayles was 73 years of age. She is survived by her husband Stewart B. Sayles of this place and two sons, Brainard A. Sayles of Dayton, Ohio, and James S. Sayles of this place, also several grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of her son, James Sayles on Pierrepont Ave. Rev. D.L. Fisher will officiate and interment will be in Bayside by the side of her daughter Mabel, who died 18 years ago.
34. William Pitcher died Dec 10, 1915 at the age of 50
William W. Pitcher, a former resident of this village, died at Tarrytown, N.Y. on Friday, December 10th, after a brief illness of Brights disease. Services were held at his late home on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Ashmead of the Epsicopal Church officiating.
Mr. Pitcher is survived by his widow, a daughter aged 14, a son aged 11, and a sister, Mrs. Fred E. Baum of this village. Mr. Baum went to Tarrytown on Friday night and returned with the remains. On Monday they were placed in the vault at Bayside cemetery and will be buried in the family lot in the spring.
35. Herbert Healy died Dec 14, 1915 at the age of 58
36. Lorana Brown died Dec 21, 1915 at the age of 83
Mrs. Lorena Champney Brown, wife of Josiah L. Brown, died at her home in Waverly street about 8:30 yesterday morning. Mrs. Brown had been in poor health for four years following a fall which she sustained about Christmas time. She had been confined to her bed all of that period.
Mrs. Brown was the daughter of Lemuel and Sarah Champney, and was born October 24, 1832, at their home near Parishville Center. She had always been a resident of Potsdam.
She was married to Mr. Brown March 9, 1854. Mr. Brown has been a valued contributor to this paper for many years and his writings have made him known to a large number of friends both here and in distant points, who will extend their sympathy and condolences at this time.
The funeral will be held from her late home at 2 Thursday afternoon. Rev. D.L. Fisher and Rev. W.J. Hamilton will officiate. The body will be placed in the vault at Bayside for interment in the spring.
Mrs. Brown is survived by her husband, one daughter, Miss Hattie Brown of this village, and by one brother, Dorus Champney of Parishville Center.
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